
Wednesday, January 24, 2007

In Contemplation of Flying Bananas...

Not to re-ignite any mind-numbing arguments from my theatre school days, but really- what is art? Montreal artist César Saez has determined that an enormous floating banana is an art installation. He recently thrust said banana into the skies of Mexico, with the intention that it will rest over Texas. In an interview with Montreal weekly magazine, Saez acknowledged the inanity of the project, but noted that Texas was lacking in flying bananas. No word yet on how US authorities will deal with a giant banana entering their airspace, although I would personally love to see them shoot it down. Just to compound the absolutely ridiculous nature of the world in which we live. That would be art.

The Banana Over Texas project was funded by the Government of Quebec and cost an estimated one million dollars.

I'm taking a poll here- check out the website and tell me here... What's the verdict on the Banana Over Texas project? Art, or as we actors call it- artistic masturbation?


Anonymous said...

A flying banana?!? That's art!

Anonymous said...

A million dollar banana is not art, sorry man.

Anonymous said...

It's fruit-not art.

Anonymous said...

Artistic masturbation? Maybe. Hilarious? Definitely.

You just know somebody's got a rocket stowed in his barn that'll take care of it within a week anyhow.

Anonymous said...

Yet another proof that governments are terrific at funding enterprises which create no value for taxpayers.

Kimchee Dreamer said...

Hmmm... 5 to 1 so far - I'm voting for not art!