
Thursday, December 28, 2006

Shameless Plug

I've been home long enough now that reality has begun to sink in. I've realized that I became accustomed to a particular lifestyle in Korea- with my apartment being paid for and the cost of living being only a fraction of the cost of living in Canada, it's easy to feel alot more relaxed about finances. My gym pass was not the luxury that it had been the year before- it instead became a necessity. I would have lost my mind without it. I began to re-examine my job prospects in Canada in a very different way. The possibilities seemed endless, with my bank account full (or as full as it ever has been). I decided that upon return to Canada, I would throw myself- head first- into writing and acting. To supplement my love of these fulfilling, yet financially unstable professions, I'd launch myself into a half-assed career as a teacher. Half-assed not because of any lack of effort on my part, but because it isn't where my passion lies.

So here I find myself back in Montreal- anxiously trying to get my ideas off the ground. The résumés are in- just waiting to hear back from the collection of schools I applied to. I'm working on putting together a demo CD to go on the hunt for a new agent, and trying to figure out how to make this writing thing work. In an effort to do this, you'll notice stage 1- becoming friends with Google. Stage 2 is also underway- thanks to the help and tips from internet-savvy friends - increasing the traffic on my page.

To that end, to all of my friends who have sent me messages over the last year praising my blog, here's your chance. To all the readers who happen upon this page and love it- help me out! Seth Godin (author and blog man) has a list of blogs worth checking out at I don't know how exactly this works, but when I signed up, my blog was number 388 on the list- now it's at 15. I don't know if this is based on hits, or votes, or what. Point is- the higher I appear on the list, the better my chances of increasing traffic. My intentions are totally transparent, wouldn't you say? Check it out. More on me and life and kidneys later- now I intend to sleep.


Anonymous said...

done! please go do the same for me, k? and now that you've put this post up, please put up another one so that this isn't what shows up first when people click through to your site!

Kimchee Dreamer said...

Done & done. Thanks Julien!